The Town of Ripton, like every municipal government, relies on citizen volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact a committee or board chair or our town clerk and selectboard administrator:
Alison Joseph Dickinson
(802) 388-2266

Volunteer Opportunities

Ripton Volunteer Fire/First Response Dept.
Ripton Ridge Run
Recycling Saturdays
Ripton Historical Society
Attending Addison Central School District meetings
Friends of the Ripton School (FORS)



Appointed/Hired Offices

Selectboard Administrator*                  Town Clerk *
Assistant Clerk*
Treasurer*                                      Assistant Treasurer*
Zoning Administrator*
Road Commissioner*
Animal Control Officer *
Conservation Commissioner (8)
Zoning Board/Planning Commission
   (5 + 3 alternates)**
Health Officer*
Emergency Management Coordinator**
Emergency Shelter Director
Fire and First Response Chief**
Recycling Committee (5)
Regional Planning Delegate (2)
Regional Transportation Delegate (2)
Solid Waste District Delegate (2)
Addison County Transit Delegate
Town Energy Coordinator
Facilities Manager*
Tree Warden
Fence Viewer (3)
*=paid position
** = stipend


Elected Offices

Selectboard Member (3)**
Justice of the Peace (5)
Lister (3)*
Cemetery Commissioner (5)**
Town Moderator (1)
Delinquent Tax Collector (1)*
Constable (1)
*=paid position
** = stipend

How to get involved

Towns, cities, and villages run on volunteers: from serving on boards, commissions, and advisory committees to working as polling officials, volunteer firefighters, or elected officials; from joining clean-up days and working on recreational or cultural events to helping to write the town history, keeping track of artifacts, and publicizing community milestones, your participation is important!

Source: Vermont League of Cities and Towns (VLCT)

Like all cities and towns, we need community-minded input from dedicated residents who are prepared to work together to make thoughtful decisions, even when agreement isn’t easy to reach. The continued health, vitality, and individuality of our locality is worth making the effort. We need people to offer constructive ideas or a fresh outlook, to get involved, to find workable ways to compromise
on contentious issues – all as part of helping our entire community thrive.

There is always something to do, and it matters that residents volunteer to help. Getting involved in local government can be more than just internally satisfying: the most vital programs and services can generate positive interest from outside the community, attracting people and businesses that will add interest, value, and spirit to The Town of Ripton and potentially increase property values along with quality of life.