Cemetery Commission
Conservation Commission
Planning/Zoning/Historic District
Ripton School District Board - 2021-2022
Selectboard & Road Commissioner
Town Office
Treasurer and Tax Collector
Zoning Administrator
Community House
Fire and Rescue
Tax Maps
Town Clerk
click the link above for Land Records online - click Land Records Index for pdfs of the index only
The Town contracted with New England Municipal Resource Center LTD (NEMRC) for a complete reappraisal of all property. This process is almost done for the 2025 Grand List, change of appraisal notices will be mailed the first week of April.
Click Here To Enter Code For Online Property Review
Contact the town office if you’ve lost your code or can’t access the data. Values don’t show. Everyone will be mailed values at the same time in early April.
Questions? Email or call 802-388-2266.
Contact Us
Contact Us
TOWN OFFICE HOURS: 9-5 Mon. 9-1 Tues.-Thurs. Use the drop box in the door anytime for permit applications, ballots, dog licenses, payments, etc. RESEARCHERS - research is by appointment Mon.-Thurs. Land records and the index are online at the links above. If the document you want is not online, we will send it. Call us at 388-2266 or email.
Contact us to be added to our email announcement list.
To PAY by CREDIT CARD: The Town of Ripton accepts credit and debit card payments through PayGOV.US. A 3% convenience fee will apply. To pay online visit Payments may also be made at the Town Office, or by downloading the mobile app labeled PAYGOV MOBILE on Itunes or Playstore and using Pay Location Code PLC 38806.
Next Regular Selectboard Meeting, 7:00 p.m., Town Office, or remote or by phone, dial 1-929-205-6099
Zoning Board / Historic District Commission Hearing & Planning Commission Meeting, April 8, 7:00 p.m. - at the Town Office for April, in May at Community House 1283 VT Rt 125 or remote at
For zoning permit application forms, the Unified Development Bylaw (UDB), and the zoning district map click on Zoning Administrator above.
This is the link to Town Reports & Plans and some Ordinances. This is the link to the Local Hazard Mitigation Plan Draft Ripton_LHMP2024_DRAFT_20241108.docx
Town Meeting - floor meeting March 3rd - all Articles approved, ballot voting March 4th - all candidates elected and funding requests approved. Links to Warning 24-2 Warning.docx and Ballot for Officers.docx
DOG LICENSES - until April 1, 2025 $11 and $15
ANIMAL CONTROL - LOOSE or LOST DOG - contact Chris Smith 802-388-0337 or Bill Hunsinger 802-232-2698
Recycling, trash ($3-5/bag) - 1st & 3rd Saturdays of the month 9-noon; Recycling only 1st Wednesday 5- 7 p.m.
Tax rates 2.7204 Homestead; 2.5752 Non-Homestead. The tax year is July 1 - June 30.
To go to a link on other web pages - hover over the word, it will turn red, double-click, and the site will go to the page you want.
2020 Census data at the link below (the population includes a group count of 171 college students, without that the population is 549):;_Addison_County;_Vermont?g=060XX00US5000159650
The Census Bureau's American Community Survey shows Ripton's population as 549.